12 THE EXISTENCE This continues the previous Topic. NO ONE HAS EVER BEHELD the actual value of The Greeks did not admit irrational numbers. They were quite content to say that incommensurable magnitudes simply are not in the same ratio as two natural numbers. This did not prevent them from approximating Modern mathematics, on the other hand, is virtually based on the existence of irrationals. For with the symbols for the irrationals -- Knowledge of irrational numbers Nevertheless, we must ask, In what sense is an irrational number knowable? What is our knowledge of it? Answer. The essence of a number in general is: We know whether it is
Therefore our knowledge -- if not the very existence -- of any number must be just that. To say, then, that we know an irrational number -- that it is indeed a number -- we must be able to place it with respect to order relative to any rational number. We must be able to decide whether the irrational number is less than or greater. For, the rational numbers are what we definitely know. Is We must compare them by squaring. ( Is (1.42)2 = 2.0164. Therefore, We have found, then, that 1.41 < Continuing to the third decimal place, we would find 1.414 < In this way, we could place Real numbers We have two ideas of number. 1) Number as discrete units. These are the numbers (or rather the numerals) we use for counting. These are the natural numbers. 2) Number as continuous magnitude. These are the numbers we need for measuring. These are the rationals and irrationals. The technical term for number as magnitude is real number. Here are 6 discrete units, ////// which, we must be admit, is our fundamental idea of 6.
The line AB is a picture of the real number 6, in the sense that if AE is the unit, then, proportionally, AB : AE = 6 : 1. A real number, then, is a number required as the "address" of any point P on the number line. A real number must name the distance of that point from 0. The real number must name the ratio of that distance to 1. We have seen that the rational numbers are not sufficient for that task, because lengths can be incommensurable. Irrational numbers therefore were invented. Problem 1. In terms of parts, what is the difference between the real number 10 and the natural number 10? The real number 10 is continuous -- it could be divided into any parts. The natural number 10, on the other hand, has only half, a fifth part, and a tenth part. Problem 2. We have classified numbers as rational, irrational, and real. Name all the categories to which each of the following belongs.
e) Cube root of 8 = 2. Real, rational. f) Cube root of 9. Real, irrational. g) 3.1415926535897932384626433
Real, rational. Any complete
j) Fourth root of 10. Real, irrational. * So. We can now return to the question we posed at the beginning of this inquiry: If AB, CD are lengths, will there always be a number n such that, proportionally, AB is to CD as 1 is to n? Can "the ratio of two lengths" (whatever that means) always be named? For, numbers have names. 1, 9.6, Or are there numbers with no names? If so, then in what sense are they numbers? What is our knowledge of them? Can we place them with respect to order relative to any rational number? A continuum of lengths make sense. But does a continuum of names? If we see the following,
then we could make sense of it. We could identify the decimal on the right as approximating a certain real number. (See Lesson 2 of Topics in Precalculus.) But could we make sense of it if we had only the right-hand side and not the left? Could we say that it is a number? What would be our knowledge of it? How would we calculate the next digit? What would be the name of that "number"? (And if we guessed that it might be Just as there are more realities than there are words in any dictionary, so numbers -- names -- can never exhaust the lengths of lines. For a more detailed discussion, see the Appendix to An Approach to Calculus, What is a number?. www.proyectosalonhogar.com |