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Conjugate pairs

HERE IS THE RULE for multiplying radicals:

It is the symmetrical version of the rule for simplifying radicals.

Problem 1.   Multiply.

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   a)   ·  =    b)  2· 3 = 6
   c)   ·  =    = 6 d)  (2)² = 4· 5 = 20
   e)    =     The difference of two squares

Example 1.   Multiply  ( + )().

Solution.   The student should recognize the form those factors will produce:

The difference of two squares

( + )() = ()² − (
  = 6 − 2
  = 4

Problem 2.   Multiply.

a)   ( + )()  =  5 − 3 = 2

b)   (2 + )(2)  =  4· 3 − 6 = 12 − 6 = 6

c)   (1 + )(1 − )  =  1 − (x + 1)  =  1 − x − 1  =  x

d)   ( + )()  =  ab

Problem 3.   (x − 1 − )(x − 1 + )

a)   What form does that produce?

The difference of two squares.  x − 1 is "a." is "b."

b)  Multiply out.

(x − 1 − )(x − 1 + ) = (x − 1)² − 2  
  = x² − 2x + 1 − 2,   on squaring the binomial,
  = x² − 2x − 1  

Problem 4.   Multiply out.

(x + 3 + )(x + 3 − ) = (x + 3)² − 3
  = x² + 6x + 9 − 3
  = x² + 6x + 6

Dividing radicals

For example,

= =

Problem 5.   Simplify the following.

  =    b)   
  =   3
  =   a   =   a· a  =  a²

Conjugate pairs

The conjugate of  a +  is  a.  They are a conjugate pair.

Example 2.   Multiply  6 −  with its conjugate.

Solution.   The product of a conjugate pair --

(6 − )(6 + )

-- is the difference of two squares.  Therefore,

(6 − )(6 + )  =  36 − 2 = 34

When we multiply a conjugate pair, the  radical vanishes and we obtain a rational number.

Problem 6.   Multiply each number with its conjugate.

a)   x +     = x² − y

b)   2 −     (2 − )(2 + ) = 4 − 3 = 1

  c)    + You should be able to write the product immediately:  6 − 2 = 4.

d)   4 −    16 − 5 = 11

Example 3.   Rationalize the denominator:


Solution.   Multiply both the denominator and the numerator by the conjugate of the denominator; that is, multiply them by 3 − .

 9 − 2

The numerator becomes 3 − .  The denominator becomes the difference of the two squares.

  Example 4. =
     3 − 4
  = −(3 − 2)
  = 2 − 3

Problem 7.   Write out the steps that show the following.

  a)          1     
  =  ½()
  5 − 3
  =   ½()
   The definition of division
  b)         2    
3 +
  =  ½(3 − )
3 +
  9 − 5
  =   ½(3 − )
  c)         _7_    
3 +
3 +
  9· 5 − 3
− 1
  =   3 + 2
− 1
  2 − 1
  =   2 + 2 + 1,   Perfect square trinomial
    =   3 + 2
1 +
1 +
1 − (x + 1)
        1 − x − 1
Perfect square trinomial
  on changing all the signs.
  Example 5.    Simplify  
 Solution. =   on adding those fractions,
  =   on taking the reciprocal,
       6 − 5
  on multiplying by the conjugate,
  = 6 − 5   on multiplying out.
  Problem 8.    Simplify  
   =   on adding those fractions,
  =   on taking the reciprocal,
    3 − 2
  on multiplying by the conjugate,
  = 3 + 2   on multiplying out.

Problem 9.   Here is a problem that Calculus students have to do.  Write out the steps that show:

=  −       ____1____      
x + (x + h)

In this case, you will have to rationalize the numerator.

  =   1
    =   1
·   _____x − (x + h)_____
    =   1
·   ____xxh_____
x + (x + h)
    =   1
·  _______−h_______
x + (x + h)
    =   −  _______ 1_______
x + (x + h)


Next Lesson:  Rational exponents

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