26 Radicals: Rational and Irrational Numbers The radical sign and the radicand Rational and irrational numbers The definition of the square root radical HERE ARE THE FIRST TEN square numbers and their roots:
We write, for example,
"The square root of 25 is 5." This mark Problem 1. Evaluate the following. To see the answer, pass your mouse over the colored area.
Rational and irrational numbers The rational numbers are the numbers of arithmetic: the whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals; together with their negative images. That is what a rational number is. As for what it looks
integers (b ≠ 0). Problem 3. Which of the following numbers are rational?
All of them! At this point, the student might wonder, What is a number that is not rational? An example of such a number is But to prove that there is no rational number whose square is 2, then
terms. That is, suppose
m and n have no common divisors except 1. Therefore, m· m and n· n also have no common divisors -- they are relatively prime -- and it will be impossible to divide n· n into m· m and get 2 There is no rational number whose square is 2. Therefore we call Question. Which square roots are rational? Answer. Only the square roots of square numbers.
And so on. Only the square roots of square numbers are rational. The existence of these irrationals was first realized by Pythagoras in the 6th century B.C. He called them "unnameable" or "speechless" numbers. For, if we ask, "How much is Problem 4. Say the name of each number.
As for the decimal representation of both irrational and rational numbers, see Topic 2 of Precalculus. An equation x² = a Example 1. Solve this equation:
We say however that the positive value 5 is the principal square root. That is, we say that "the square root of 25" is 5. −5 is "the negative of the square root of 25." Example 2. Solve this equation:
In general, if an equation looks like this,
Problem 5. Solve for x.
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