a5 − b5 = (a − b)(a4 + a3b + a²b² + ab3 + b4)
Look at the form of these. A factor of a5 + b5 is (a + b), while a factor of a5 − b5 is (a − b).
To produce a5, the second factor begins a4. The exponent of a then decreases as the exponent of b increases -- but the sum of the exponents in each term is 4. (We say that the degree of each term is 4.)
In the second factor of a5 + b5, the signs alternate. (If they did not, then on multiplying, nothing would cancel to produce only two terms.)
In the second factor of a5 − b5, all the signs are + . (That insures the canceling.)
By multiplying out, the student can verify that these are the factors of the sum and difference of 5th powers.
(For a proof based on the Factor Theorem, see Topic 13 of Precalculus.)
In particular, xn − 1 can always be factored for any positive integer n, because 1 = 1n, and all powers of 1 are 1.

Problem 9. Factor the following.
In practice, it is these, the sum and difference of 3rd powers, that tend to come up.
The difference of even powers
So much for the sum and difference of odd powers. As for the sum and difference of even powers, only their difference can be factored. (If you doubt that, then try to factor a2 + b2 or a4 + b4. Verify your attempt by multiplying out.)
If n is even, then we can always recognize the difference of two squares:
a4 − b4 = (a2 + b2)(a2 − b2).
But also when n is even, an − bn can be factored either with (a − b) as a factor or (a + b).
a4 − b4 = (a − b)(a3 + a2b + ab2 + b3)
a4 − b4 = (a + b)(a3 − a2b + ab2 − b3)
[If n is odd, then an − bn can be factored only with the factor
(a − b).]
For, with n even and the factor (a + b), the right-hand factor will have an even number of terms. And since those terms alternate in sign, the final term will be −bn−1. Therefore, −bn will be correctly produced upon multiplication with +b. But when n is odd, the right-hand factor will have an odd number of terms. Therefore the final term would be +bn−1. Hence it will be impossible to produce −bn upon multiplication with +b.]
Problem 12. Factor x4 − 81 with (x + 3) as a factor.