UP TO NOW, we have been given an angle, and we had to evaluate a function of it. For example,
sin 30° = ½.
(Topic 7.) Or, upon consulting the Table:
cos 9° = .988.
But inversely, if we are given the value, which is a number, then the problem is to find the angle. For example,
What is the angle whose tangent is .268?
Upon inspecting the values in the tangent column of the Table, we would find:
The angle whose tangent is .268, is 15°.
The algebraic abbreviation for that sentence is
arctan .268 = 15°.
In other words, arctan N means:
"The angle whose tangent is the number N."
And similarly for
arcsin N,
arccos N,
arccot N,
arccsc N,
arcsec N.
Problem 1. Inspect the Table to evaluate the following.
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Do the problem yourself first!
a) arcsin .616 = 38°.
b) arccos .407 = 66°.
c) arccot 2.605 = 21°.
Problem 2. Do not use the Table to evaluate the following.
a) arctan 1 = 45°. (Topic 6.)
b) arccos ½ = 60°. (Topic 7.)
c) arcsec
= 45°.
d) arccot
= 30°.
The inverse trigonometric functions
In theoretical work, however, the angles will be radian angles, and there will be restrictions on them. The student should be familiar with the notion of a function (Topic 3 of Precalculus) and an inverse function (Topic 19 of Precalculus).
Thus the inverse of the function
y = sin x
"The number y is the sine of the radian angle x"
y = arcsin x.
"y is the radian angle -- the arc (Topic 15) --
whose sine is the number x."
y = arcsin x is called the inverse sine function.
The range of y = arcsin x
Let us evaluate arcsin 0.
One value for the angle whose sine is 0 is 0. (Topic 16.)
But arcsin 0 = 2π, also. In fact, y could be any multiple of π!
arcsin 0 = nπ.
Therefore, so that the function y = arcsin x will be single-valued, we must restrict the values of y. We restrict them so that they will have the smallest absolute value. That will be the case when y falls within the first or fourth quadrants.
According to this restricted range, then,
If y = arcsin 0, then y = 0.
To restrict the range of arcsin x is equivalent to restricting the domain of sin x to those same values. This will be the case with all the restricted ranges that follow.
Example 2. Evaluate arcsin(−½).
Solution. arcsin(−½) = θ implies sin θ = −½.
Where is sin θ negative? In the fourth quadrant. (Topic 16.) In fact we can prove:
arcsin(−x) = −arcsin x.
See below. Therefore,
And the cosine of a 2nd quadrant angle is the negative of the cosine of its supplement. (Topic 17 of Trigonometry.) This implies:
The range of y = arcsec x
In calculus, sin−1x, tan−1x, and cos−1x are the most important inverse trigonometric functions. Here, nevertheless, are the ranges that make the rest single-valued.

Similarly for y = arccsc x.

Next Topic: Trigonometric identities
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