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Do the problem yourself first!
Base = Amount ÷ Percent × 100
Check each answer from 1% of it.
10. 32 is 8% of what number? 400
11. 48 is 6% of what number? 800
12. 3% of what number is 18? 600
13. 4% of what number is $1.20? $30
14. $60 is 5% of $1200.
15. 5% of $840 is $42.
16. 14 is 4% of $350.
17. 12% of 250 is 30.
18. Colin is about to withdraw money from his retirement account. He
18. needs $2400. But a tax of 20% will be withheld. How much should
18. he actually request? $3000
19. 8 is two thirds of 12. |
20. 12 is two thirds of 18. |
21. 12 is three fourths of 16. |
22. 18 is three fourths of 24. |
23. 14 is two fifths of 35. |
24. 27 is three fifths of 45. |
25. 25 is five eighths of 40. |
26. 14 is seven eighths of 16. |
27. 15 is 75% of 20. |
28. 24 is 75% of 32. |
29. 18 is 66 |
2 3 |
% of 27. |
30. 8 is 66 |
2 3 |
% of 12. |
31. 10 is 40% of 25. |
32. 12 is 60% of 20. |
33. 30 is 250% of 12. |
34. 28 is 350% of 8. |
35. 125% of 28 is 35.
| |
36. 133 |
1 3 |
% of 27 is 36. |
37 175% of 20 is 35.
| |
38. 250% of 18 is 45. |
Calculator problems
39. a) $688.20 is 33 |
1 3 |
% of $2,064.60. |
b) $688.20 is 66 |
2 3 |
% of $1,032.30. |
40. How much is 4½% of $309.20? $13.91
41. $309.20 is 4½% of how much? $6,871.11
42. 9 |
3 4 |
% of $887.18 is $86.50. |
43. How much is 9 |
3 4 |
% of $86.50? Approximately $8.43 |
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